Rename Column Name SQL Server: A Comprehensive Guide :

Hello and welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to rename column names in SQL Server. SQL Server is one of the most popular relational database management systems (RDBMS) around the world, and it is widely used by businesses of all sizes. Changing a column name in SQL Server is a common task among database administrators and developers alike, and it is essential to know how to do it properly to avoid data loss or corruption.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Renaming a Column Name in SQL Server
  3. Using ALTER TABLE Statement
  4. Using sp_rename Stored Procedure
  5. Limitations and Considerations
  6. Best Practices
  7. FAQs
  8. Conclusion


SQL Server is a powerful RDBMS that allows businesses to store, manage, and analyze their data efficiently. Column names in a SQL Server database are used to identify and distinguish data in tables, and they play a crucial role in the database design. Renaming a column name is a common task that can help improve the database’s readability, maintainability, and performance.

There are many scenarios where renaming a column name is necessary. For instance, a column name might become outdated or irrelevant, or it might be misspelled or confusing. In some cases, a database administrator might want to standardize column names across multiple tables or databases. Whatever the reason, renaming a column name in SQL Server needs to be done carefully and systematically to prevent any unintended consequences.

Renaming a Column Name in SQL Server

Renaming a column name in SQL Server can be accomplished in two ways:

  • Using the ALTER TABLE statement
  • Using the sp_rename stored procedure

Both methods are straightforward, and they achieve the same result. However, they have some differences in syntax and usage, as we will explain in the following sections.

Using ALTER TABLE Statement

The ALTER TABLE statement is a SQL command that allows you to modify the structure of an existing table. You can use it to add, drop, or alter columns, as well as to change constraints, indexes, and other table properties. Renaming a column name is one of the most common uses of the ALTER TABLE statement.

The syntax of the ALTER TABLE statement for renaming a column name is as follows:

Keyword Description
ALTER TABLE Indicates that you want to modify an existing table
table_name The name of the table you want to modify
RENAME COLUMN Indicates that you want to rename a column in the table
old_column_name The current name of the column you want to rename
TO Indicates that you want to specify the new name of the column
new_column_name The new name you want to give to the column

Here is an example of the ALTER TABLE statement for renaming a column name:

    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Customers]
    RENAME COLUMN [Phone] TO [Telephone]

In this example, we are renaming the “Phone” column in the “Customers” table to “Telephone”. The ALTER TABLE statement is executed against the database where the “Customers” table exists. Note that the brackets around the table and column names are optional but recommended for clarity and to avoid potential syntax errors.

Limitations and Considerations when Renaming a Column Name using ALTER TABLE

Although the ALTER TABLE statement is a powerful and flexible SQL command, it has some limitations and considerations that you need to keep in mind when renaming a column name:

  • The table must not have any foreign key constraints that reference the column being renamed.
  • The table must not be participating in any replication or publication.
  • The column being renamed must not be used in any computed columns or parameters.

If any of these conditions are not met, you will get an error message, and the ALTER TABLE statement will fail.

Using sp_rename Stored Procedure

The sp_rename stored procedure is a system stored procedure that allows you to rename an object in a SQL Server database, such as a table, column, or index. It is a convenient way to change a column name without having to write explicit SQL code. The sp_rename stored procedure is part of the master database and can be executed from any database or schema.

The syntax of the sp_rename stored procedure for renaming a column name is as follows:

Parameter Description
@objname The name of the object you want to rename, in the format “schema.object.type”
@newname The new name you want to give to the object
@objtype The type of the object you want to rename, such as “COLUMN”

Here is an example of the sp_rename stored procedure for renaming a column name:

    EXEC sp_rename '[dbo].[Customers].[Phone]', 'Telephone', 'COLUMN'

In this example, we are renaming the “Phone” column in the “Customers” table to “Telephone” using the sp_rename stored procedure. The EXEC keyword is used to execute the stored procedure, and the three parameters are passed as strings. Note that the brackets around the table and column names are mandatory when using the sp_rename stored procedure.

Limitations and Considerations when Renaming a Column Name using sp_rename

The sp_rename stored procedure has some limitations and considerations that you need to keep in mind when renaming a column name:

  • The object being renamed must not have any dependencies, such as views, procedures, or triggers.
  • The object being renamed must not be participating in any replication or publication.
  • The object being renamed should not have any extended properties.
  • The object name and the new name must not exceed 128 characters.

If any of these conditions are not met, you will get an error message, and the sp_rename stored procedure will fail.

Best Practices

Renaming a column name in SQL Server is a delicate operation that requires careful planning and execution. Here are some best practices to follow when renaming a column name:

  • Back up your database before making any changes to it. This will ensure that you have a copy of the database in case something goes wrong.
  • Use descriptive, meaningful, and consistent column names to help users understand the data.
  • Avoid using reserved keywords or special characters in column names to prevent syntax errors.
  • Update any queries, views, stored procedures, or applications that reference the column being renamed.
  • Test your changes in a non-production environment first to make sure everything works as expected.


Q1. Can I rename a column name in a table that has data?

Yes, you can rename a column name in a table that has data. However, you need to be aware of the potential impact of the rename operation on any queries, views, stored procedures, or applications that reference the column. You should also consider the time and resources required to update the data in the affected column, as well as any indexes or constraints.

Q2. Which method is better for renaming a column name in SQL Server: ALTER TABLE or sp_rename?

Both methods are valid and achieve the same result. However, the choice of method depends on the specific requirements and constraints of your database environment. The ALTER TABLE statement is more flexible and can be used to modify other table properties, such as adding or dropping columns, indexes, or constraints. The sp_rename stored procedure is more convenient and can be executed from any database or schema without having to write explicit SQL code.

Q3. Can I rename multiple column names at the same time in SQL Server?

Yes, you can rename multiple column names at the same time in SQL Server by using the ALTER TABLE statement or the sp_rename stored procedure in a loop or a script. However, you need to make sure that the new column names are unique and consistent across all tables and databases.

Q4. What is the difference between a column name and a column alias in SQL Server?

A column name is the name of a column in a table, and it is used to identify and distinguish data in the table. A column alias is an alternative name for a column, and it is used to customize the output of a query or a view. A column alias does not change the actual name of the column in the table, and it only affects the result set of the query or the view.


In conclusion, renaming a column name in SQL Server is a necessary task that requires careful planning and execution. You can use either the ALTER TABLE statement or the sp_rename stored procedure to rename a column name, depending on your specific requirements and constraints. However, you need to be aware of the limitations and considerations of each method, and you need to follow best practices to avoid any unintended consequences. We hope that this guide has been helpful and informative, and we encourage you to explore more SQL Server topics on our website.

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